Satellite Sleuths: GPS Challenge #2

By Larry Billinger

Attention all digital explorers! After the thrilling success of our first contest, it’s time for round two. Get ready for “Satellite Sleuths: GPS Challenge #2,” where the search zone is a bit closer to home – Saline County, KS.

The Challenge:

We’re upping the ante with a new satellite image, this time exclusively featuring a location somewhere in Saline County, KS. Your mission, should you accept it, is to be the first to pinpoint the exact location. Remember, only one clue: it’s somewhere in Saline County.

How to Enter:

  1. Inspect the Image: The satellite image will be posted on our blog. Examine it closely to identify the Saline County location.
  2. Determine the Coordinates: Use mapping tools to find the precise GPS coordinates of the identified spot.
  3. Post on the Blog:
    • Visit our ‘Satellite Sleuths’ contest page.
    • In the comments section, paste the GPS coordinates.
    • Include your name or username.
    • Submit your entry by clicking ‘Post Comment’.
  4. Await Victory: The first correct post wins. We’ll announce the winner on the blog.

Rules to Remember:

  • Only one entry per participant is allowed.
  • Ensure your coordinates are accurate.
  • Posts on other platforms like Facebook or Twitter won’t count – only comments on the blog will be considered.

The Reward:

No physical prizes here – just the glory of being named the Satellite Sleuth of Saline County!

Sharpen your detective skills and prepare for a local yet challenging hunt! Who will emerge as the champion this time?

6 thoughts on “Satellite Sleuths: GPS Challenge #2

      1. You’re not entering the coordinates correctly 🙂
        38.7 N and 97.7 W is West Water Well Rd and S Knoll Lane.
        It helped that you didn’t obfuscate the road name in the image you posted! 😆

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