Satellite Sleuths: GPS Challenge #7

By Larry Billinger

Get ready, Satellite Sleuths, for another round of geographical detective work! Welcome to “Satellite Sleuths: GPS Challenge #7.” This challenge comes with a personal twist – the only clue is a place I have visited. Will you be able to guess where I’ve been from the satellite image?

The Challenge:

This round’s satellite image showcases a location I have personally visited. It’s a mystery waiting to be solved by our community’s sharpest minds!


  • Personal Visit: The location in the image is a place I have been to.
  • 12/26/2023: It’s in the US Rocky Mountains.

How to Enter:

  1. Look Out for the Image: Stay tuned for the satellite image to be posted on our blog.
  2. Use the Clue: Let your intuition guide you to find the GPS coordinates of the location.
  3. Post on the Blog:
    • Go to the ‘Satellite Sleuths’ contest page on our blog.
    • Input the GPS coordinates in the comment section, along with your name or username.
    • Click ‘Post Comment’ to enter your guess.
  4. Wait for the Announcement: The first correct post will be declared the winner and celebrated on our blog.

Rules Reminder:

  • Each participant can submit one entry.
  • Ensure your coordinates are precise.
  • Entries are valid only if posted as comments on the blog.

The Reward:

The winner will be crowned as the Satellite Sleuth, gaining respect and fame in our community.

Put on your thinking caps and let’s see who can deduce where I’ve been! If the location isn’t identified by the end of the day, I’ll drop another clue.

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