Satellite Sleuths: GPS Challenge #29

By Larry Billinger

Join us for another round of cartographic discovery with “Satellite Sleuths: GPS Challenge #29.” This round comes with a twist that might challenge your geographical perceptions. With your compass set and your maps ready, dive into this new challenge where not everything is as it seems.

The Challenge:

A satellite image holds the key to a location that defies expectations, lying north of the equator despite what intuition might suggest. Can you pinpoint this paradoxical place?


  • Clue #1: Contrary to what you might initially think, this location is situated north of the equator.
  • Clue #2: That is a large lake in this picture.
  • Clue #3: South America


  • Intriguing Starting Clue: Let the knowledge that the location is unexpectedly north of the equator guide you.
  • No Reverse Image Search: Keep the quest honorable by avoiding reverse image searches.
  • One Entry Per Participant: Dedicate your efforts to one precise entry.
  • Accuracy is Key: Ensure the exactness of your submitted coordinates.
  • Valid Entries: Participation is confirmed through comments on the blog only.

Leaderboard Update:

A big round of applause for Mark S for winning the last challenge! Here’s how the updated leaderboard stands:

RankNameNumber of Wins
1Kenny W10
3Christina C2
3Deborah M2
3Mark S1
4David G1
4Mike M1
4Jacob W1

How to Enter:

  1. Discover the Image: Watch for the satellite image’s release on our blog.
  2. Unlock the Coordinates: Use your best geographic sleuthing to find the coordinates north of the equator.
  3. Comment on the Blog:
    • Go to the ‘Satellite Sleuths’ contest page.
    • Input your coordinates in the comments, including your name.
    • Press ‘Post Comment’ to enter your guess.
  4. Anticipate the Results: The first correct solver will be hailed as the winner on our blog.

The Reward:

The conqueror of GPS Challenge #29 will climb the ranks of our leaderboard and earn the esteemed title of master Satellite Sleuth.

Embark on this intriguing challenge. Who will unravel the mystery of the location that’s north of the equator against all odds in Satellite Sleuths: GPS Challenge #29?

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