Drive-Up Communion: A Divine Detour or a Holy Honk?

A comical and vibrant image depicting a reverend inside a typical fast-food restaurant, leaning out of the drive-up window to offer Communion. The reverend is holding a tray with bread and wine, symbolizing the elements of Communion. Outside the window, a line of cars waits, with drivers and passengers looking amused and surprised. The restaurant features a humorous sign, 'Divine Drive-Thru: Blessings to Go!', adding a lighthearted touch to the blend of sacred tradition and fast-food culture.

By Larry Billinger

In a world where drive-thrus serve up everything from burgers to banking, the idea of drive-up communion might sound like a skit from a late-night comedy show. But, as it turns out, this concept isn’t just a spiritual fast food fantasy – it became a real-life adaptation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Churches, in a bid to keep the faith flame flickering while adhering to health guidelines, turned parking lots into pious pit-stops. Let’s break bread (and maybe a little laughter) as we explore this unconventional communion conundrum.

Pedal to the Metal for Piety

From St. Michael Catholic Church’s car-friendly courtyard communion to the Oregon City Christian Church offering spiritual sustenance via car window, the pandemic paved the way for these drive-up devotions. Charlotte’s Saint Ann Catholic Parish even offered a combo of drive-up Mass and Communion, blending the sacred with the safety of sedans. And let’s not forget the Family Worship Center in Altus, which hosted a “Drive through and renew” service – talk about a literal “moving” experience!

Is This Just a Pandemic Pitstop?

The big question remains: Is drive-up communion just a temporary detour or a new highway to heaven? While some churches might continue this practice, others have likely returned to traditional methods as pandemic restrictions ease. The road ahead remains as unpredictable as a GPS in a tunnel.

The Biblical Breakdown: Communion in the Fast Lane?

The Bible, while not exactly a car manual, does offer guidelines on communion. In the Gospels and 1 Corinthians, Jesus emphasizes the importance of self-examination and repentance before partaking in this sacred rite. But He didn’t specify whether you should be seated in a pew or parked in a Prius. As for harboring ill will towards your Christian compadres, Matthew 5:23-24 suggests making peace before partaking in holy rites – whether at the altar or the asphalt.

Pros and Cons: Revving Up Theological Thoughts


  • Accessibility: Like handicap ramps in churches, drive-up communion provides spiritual access for those who can’t step inside a sanctuary.
  • Safety First: In pandemic times, it’s a safer way to say “Amen” without sharing more than just the peace.
  • Community, but Make It Car-Friendly: It offers a sense of belonging, even if that belonging is in a Buick.


  • Missing the Masses: The communal aspect of worship might get lost in translation from chapel to Chevrolet.
  • Casual Communion?: Could the reverence of the ritual take a backseat when you’re, well, in your backseat?

Theological Speed Bumps

  • Sacramental Integrity: In sacramental traditions, the physical setting of the sacrament is crucial. Drive-up communion could challenge the sanctity and integrity of the sacrament.
  • Role of Clergy: The traditional role of clergy in administering communion might be challenged in a non-traditional, drive-up setting.
  • Communal Worship: Drive-up communion might detract from the communal worship experience and the collective expression of faith.
  • Reverence and Solemnity: Concerns about the loss of reverence and solemnity in a more casual, drive-through environment.
  • Accessibility vs. Tradition: Balancing the benefit of accessibility against maintaining traditional worship practices.
  • Ecumenical Considerations: Adapting communion practices might raise concerns about unity in ecumenical dialogues.
  • Theological Interpretation of Sacraments: Different denominations might view any deviation in the physical setting of the sacrament as theologically problematic.

Final Thoughts: Divine Drive-Thru or Spiritual Shortcut?

While drive-up communion might sound like a holy hack, it’s really about churches steering their flocks through unprecedented times. Whether this becomes a permanent part of church practice or just a pandemic pitstop, it’s a testament to the adaptability and resilience of faith communities. After all, isn’t faith all about finding God, whether in a cathedral or a Chevy?

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